The first goal is to compile a snapshot survey of life on a
particular property as an indicator of the biodiversity of the area.
This data will add to the data collected through other efforts such as
PNDI information from the State, the NPS survey of Flora in the Delaware
River Corridor, the 1991 Natural Areas Inventory of Wayne County by The
Nature Conservancy and other sources. The Upper Delaware BioBlitz is
modeled after the Monroe County BioBlitz which conducts
biannual inventories.
Public Awareness
“BioBlitz is designed to increase the public's awareness of the variety
of life in their immediate neighborhood and the services these various
species provide to improve the quality of their lives. We usually hear
the word "biodiversity" in regard to rainforests with their vast number
of species. Yet the diversity of life in our own backyards is
phenomenal. We take for granted clean water, fertile soil, and air to
breathe. Yet these are all the result of working ecosystems filled with
species that perform these tasks. From our morning shower to our late
night snack, we are supported by biodiversity every minute of the day.
What better way to address the topic than to invite people to share in
our 24-hours of discovery and to experience the vast array of species
that we can find in their neighborhood park in just one cycle of the
day” – UCONN’s BioBlitz site.
Excite Kids about Science
The Saturday of the BioBlitz is open to the public through outreach to
local schools and families. The visitors will have an opportunity to see
the collected specimens, look into microscopes, talk to the experts and
read resource books provided by the experts. The total number of unique
specimens collected by each team will be posted above the teams table
giving the kids an idea of the abundance and provide some competition
between teams. Since all of the specimens will have come from throughout
the site to the “base camp” the visitors will have the opportunity to
see the diversity of local life in the context it enjoys and also to
head out on guided mini-forays.
Interdisciplinary Research
The BioBlitz provides an ideal opportunity for collaboration, comparison
and discussion between biologists in different fields regarding the
interaction and co-existence of species within the surveyed habitat. We
will provide a place for dinner and casual conversation for the experts
on the Friday evening of the event and optionally for the Saturday
evening after the event concludes.
2024 Collection Inventory Spreadsheets
2024 BioBlitz Wrapup PowerPoint
Summary of all BioBlitz data from all 6 events
2021 Collection Inventory Spreadsheets
Much of the data is also online in iNaturalist where you can get more information about each species and see species photos. Click here to view the 2021 Upper Delaware BioBlitz data in iNaturalist. Thanks to Tanya Dapkey of the Academy of Natural Sciences for helping coordinate the use of iNaturalist for the BioBlitz!
2018 Collection Inventory Spreadsheets
Final report of the 2018 Upper Delaware BioBlitz
2016 Collection Inventory Spreadsheets
Final report of the 2014 Upper Delaware BioBlitz
2014 Collection Inventory Spreadsheets
Final report of the 2013 Upper Delaware BioBlitz
2013 Collection Inventory Spreadsheets
Upper Delaware BioBlitz
teams will use a variety of methods, or protocols, to find or capture
and identify the life forms their group is seeking. Some of these
specimens will be able to be viewed live at the team tables under the
tent, while there will be photos of others. We are seeking to identify,
photodocument and return specimens live to the habitats where they were
The bird
team will actually begin their 24-hour period of identifying birds
on the property early Friday morning (a better time for bird activity),
and will use binoculars and their knowledge of bird calls to identify
species as they survey the property. Their two-person teams will again
survey assigned sections of the property late afternoon into early
invertebrates team will do mostly aerial sweep netting for adult
insects. They will, however,
likely try setting up Malaise traps (netting traps which intercept and
funnel flying insects into a collecting bottle) too.
They will also run UV lights after dark for collecting night
flying insects.
The mammal
team will use Sherman live traps and Havahart traps, which will be
baited, set in appropriate habitat, and checked periodically throughout
the 24 hour period. Triple
high and single high mist nets will be set up prior to sunset, opened
near dark, and checked frequently for bats or other animals (they
frequently catch flying squirrels too).
Other methods will include identification of mammal tracks and
signs, and sightings on the property for mammals less likely to be
captured (e.g. white-tailed deer, black bears, beavers, muskrats, river
otters, foxes, porcupines, and skunks).
The aquatic
macroinvertebrate (animals without backbones large enough to be seen
without magnification) team
will primarily use a kick net for sampling riffle habitat in Shehawken
Creek and sections of the West Branch and the mainstem Delaware River.
This approximately 8” by 19” net is set vertically on the stream bottom,
and the substrate is disturbed for about a meter upstream of the net so
that aquatic macroinvertebrates wash down into the net.
The fish
team will utilize boat, tow barge, and backpack electrofishing,
which temporarily stuns fish and enables them to be netted. They may
also set up a hoop net in non-flowing water habitat. There will be a
live display some of the fish they’ve captured in an aquarium at their
table under the tent.
The reptile
and amphibian team will use hand-capture, dipnetting and turtle
traps as sampling techniques. They will also have live specimens on
display at their table, before returning them to the habitats where they
were captured.
The fungi
team will search suitable habitats on the property for mushrooms and
other fungus forms, and will bring back to the display table fresh
specimens of the various forms they find. They may then follow up with
specific identification using dissecting scope or microscopic
The botany
team will employ a meandering transect approach, with team members
walking through each habitat and recording all plant species observed.
Plants will be identified to species level, if possible.
Photos of some of their interesting finds will be displayed at
their table.
The mosses
and lichens team will photograph and collect specimens they find on
the property, and will have photos as well as some specimens on display
at their table.